Opening Speech
- BSides Prishtina
Demystifying Bug Bounties:
Insights From A Decade Of Experience
- Yassine Aboukir
Hacking The Hackers:
Analysis Of A Cobalt Strike Remote
Command Execution Vulnerability
- Rio Sherri
Privacy and Risk-based Authentication
- Gresa Mjeku
Bypassing AppLocker Protection
By Manipulating Its Cache
- Grzegorz Tworek
Automating Threat Detection
And Response At Scale
- Egxona Ferati
What Is Blockchain Security?
- Dylan Dubief
Welcome Speech
- BSides Prishtina
Building Bots For Java Games:
A Beginner's Guide
- Maxim G
An Analysis Of Data Leaks
In Kosovo's Universities
- Kastriot Fetahaj
The Dark Side Of Wireless Networks:
Intro To Wi-Fi Hacking
- Megi Bashi and Ryan Dinnan
Using Common Attack Database And
Intent Clustering To Protect
Websites, Mobile Apps And APIs
- Paulina Cakalli
Deep Dive Into Clouded Waters:
An Overview In Digital Ocean's Pentest And Security
- Bleon Proko
Maersk: The Ransomware Survivors
- Endrin Musa
How Real Is Business Impact Analysis
In Business Continuity Plan
- Armend Salihu
Closing speech
- BSides Prishtina